Landscape Painting WOrkshop
With Artist HOLLY ANN Friesen
AUgust 11 & 12,2025 August 14 & 15,2025
Birch Island, Lake of the Woods, Onatrio, Canada
Join us for a Two Day Workshop on Birch ISland
We are excited to offer our second Art Worskhop this summer with Kenora Artist, Holly Ann Friesen. Join us for two days at Marisa’s Lake house property enjoying the magical setting and her amazing food and hospitality.
This Workshop will help transform Lake of the Wood’s beautiful scenary into loose and expressive contemporary landscape painting.
Holly will show her process from start to finish. Her approach is meant to give attendees the tools and confidence to take risks amd make informed decisions on the canvas both in the workshop and long after the class.
We will paint a landscape based on something Holy has created in the past, inspiration on site, or a composition that participants want to explore from their own source. Holly will paint along with participants so that they can see her process and provide step by step instruction to painters as they progress through their own paintings. You will also see her favourite colour palette used to capture the beauty of Lake of the Woods.
This Workshop is for any skill level, existing artists, those new to painting or participants that want to enjoy the beauty that Birch Island and Lake of the Woods have to offer. Marisa will provide coffee/tea and lights snacks. Participants will break for an one hour lunch and enjoy a Italian family style lunch al fresco.
The Details
Workshop starts at 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 pm and last day ends at 6 pm with a cocktail reception
Participants will travel by boat each day from Tall Pines Marina, located near Kendra , Ontario to Birch Island, Lake of the Woods.
Please arrive around 8:15 a.m. to ensure the boat leaves at 8:30 a.m.
THIS IS NOT A OVER NIGHT RETREAT - you will be required to find accomadations in Kenora, Ontario We are happy to assist in providing a list of hotels & motels
Cost $725 no boat ride to Birch
$ 825.00 with Boat Ride Taxes included